Garden Progress

Creation of a Home Garden


The Charae family loves gardens.

And so should you.

What's not to love about a garden?

Any type of garden - small, big, raised, grounded - we're big fans. (And by big fans, we mean that we can come out & create for you your own garden.)

And so here is a progress post about a garden that sows much joy to the owners. 😉


Lay it out

We just really like putting dogs into our article pictures.


Lay it down

We wanted to install raised garden beds. The benefits of raised garden beds include prevention of soil compaction, great drainage, serve as a barrier from pathway weeds from your garden soil, and more. Plus, you can plant earlier in the Spring season than if you had a ground garden.


Build a fence around it

Completed with some shrubs around the outside of the fence, along with planted Sunflower seeds that are expected to bloom in late August.

(Will post a picture when the flowers are in full bloom. 🌻😄)


Backside vs. Frontside

Overall, the garden ended up being a little bit bigger than first planned. However, the property had some spare room so the family didn't mind.


Some veggies to grow

The family wants to install mulch around the beds sometime in the future. Charae thinks that would be a great idea. 😉

Charae thanks you for reading.